Be more productive by knowing your biological prime time

I recently read Chris Baileys Productivity Project book. It got me interested in measuring what time of the day a person is at his or hers most productive. Know yourself and you can optimize working days and other activities for productivity.

Likely you have noticed how your energy, motivation, and focus fluctuate throughout the day. Sometimes it's hard to get stuff done and sometimes it's trivial to dive straight into a state of flow. These peak performance points of your day are your Body Prime Time (or Biological Prime Time).

You can find your own Body Prime Time, by logging your hourly energy levels and then looking at the results. You'll have to record your levels for a good one to two months. Often people are doing this in excel or some such tool. I immediately searched the internet for an app to make it easy - and found none.

So, the logical next step was to build an app for myself, to help me measure my own Body Prime Time. For fun and profit, I also put it on sale to let others do it too.

The app is available for iOS and Android. Go become a more productive you and get the app at:

Apple Appstore

Google Play

ps. Are you looking to build a quick app project your-self? Check our write-up on 5 min to a mobile app with Ember & Cordova.